Home > Products > Software > Software for Basic OS Terminals > BHT-BASIC 4.0 Specification Checker

BHT-BASIC 4.0 Specification Checker

Use this tool to see if a program in BHT-BASIC 3.6 can be translated into BHT-BASIC 4.0. It is especially useful in retail settings, warehousing, and manufacturing.

See All Correction Issues At Once

Despite upward compatibility from 3.6 to 4.0, specifications may vary in some cases. The Specification Checker identifies all points in need correction or that should be processed with care.

Note: This tool does not convert a BHT-BASIC 3.6 program to a BHT-BASIC 4.0 program automatically.

Use Existing Assets Effectively

You can upgrade applications developed in BHT-BASIC 3.6 to BHT-BASIC 4.0. You can also create programs that run on both BHT-BASIC 3.6 and BHT-BASIC 4.0 environments by configuring Specification Checker to not issue a warning message.

Note: Diagnostic operations supported by this tool apply only to user applications built by BHT-BASIC 3.6 compiler.

Download BHT-BASIC 4.0 Specification Checker at QBdirect.

Operating Environment

System Requirement

OS (1)Windows® Vista (32bit), Windows® 7 (32bit/64bit [WOW64]), Windows® 8 (32bit/64bit[WOW64]), Windows® 8.1 (32bit/64bit [WOW64]), Windows® 10(32bit/64bit [WOW64])
CPUCPU with Intel®
MemoryMemory required for normal operation of the above OS
HDD1500KB or more of free space

(1) This application is executed as Win32 application on Windows 7 (64 bits) using WOW64 (Windows 32-bit emulation on Windows 64-bit).
**All specifications subject to change without prior notice.



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