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RFID Scanners


DENSO ADC SP1 RFID Scanner Features

September 25, 2020 3:56 pm



January 10, 2017 6:48 pm

DENSO ADC has a line-up of RFID products to help reduce work time by up to 90% or more when compared to scanning barcodes. ...


QR Code


Happy 20th anniversary to DENSO Wave's QR Code ®! 

Born in 1994, the QR Code has been used in many ways to benefit businesses and consumers. This year, the QR Code development team received the European Inventor Award Popular Prize.

DENSO continues to evolve the QR Code. Among the latest QR Code developments is the Security QR Code. The SQRC® can contain both encrypted as well as normally readable data, to help detect and prevent counterfeit, gray-market and black-market goods, and protect patient health-care privacy. Other recent QR Code innovations are LogoQ® and LogoQ Face, which allow a full-color logo or photo to be embedded into a QR Code. Applications include enhanced branding opportunities, loyalty-card and badge identification, and promotional items.

DENSO ADC is the Americas sales arm of DENSO Wave Incorporated, a pioneer of CCD technology and inventor of the QR Code. DENSO Wave is among the world's largest manufacturers of mobile data-capture systems. The company offers a wide range of advanced-technology handheld 1-D and 2-D terminals and scanners, as well as the only QR Code-generating software on the market with documented ISO-compliant specifications, to assure codes with maximum readability and the smallest possible size.

QR Code® and SQRC® are registered trademarks of DENSO Wave, Incorporated. LogoQ® is a registered trademark of A.T Communications Co., Ltd.

Happy 20th anniversary to DENSO Wave's QR Code ®!

Born in 1994, the QR Code has been used in many ways to benefit businesses and consumers. This year, the QR Code development team received the European Inventor Award Popular Prize.

DENSO continues to evolve the QR Code. Among the latest QR Code developments is the Security QR Code. The SQRC® can contain both encrypted as well as normally readable data, to help detect and prevent counterfeit, gray-market and black-market goods, and protect patient health-care privacy. Other recent QR Code innovations are LogoQ® and LogoQ Face, which allow a full-color logo or photo to be embedded into a QR Code. Applications include enhanced branding opportunities, loyalty-card and badge identification, and promotional items.

DENSO ADC is the Americas sales arm of DENSO Wave Incorporated, a pioneer of CCD technology and inventor of the QR Code. DENSO Wave is among the world's largest manufacturers of mobile data-capture systems. The company offers a wide range of advanced-technology handheld 1-D and 2-D terminals and scanners, as well as the only QR Code-generating software on the market with documented ISO-compliant specifications, to assure codes with maximum readability and the smallest possible size.

QR Code® and SQRC® are registered trademarks of DENSO Wave, Incorporated. LogoQ® is a registered trademark of A.T Communications Co., Ltd.

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YouTube Video UExhMEtKUXBHZ1JPZ0JUek1NU2Q3b052TjU0cmhnbkdMUS41NkI0NEY2RDEwNTU3Q0M2

QR Code® 20th Anniversary - DENSO ADC

August 14, 2014 10:23 am

Happy 20th anniversary to DENSO Wave's QR Code ®!

Born in 1994, the QR Code has been used in many ways to benefit businesses and consumers. This year, the QR Code development team received the European Inventor Award Popular Prize.

DENSO continues to evolve the QR Code. Among the latest QR Code developments is the Security QR Code. The SQRC® can contain both encrypted as well as normally readable data, to help detect and prevent counterfeit, gray-market and black-market goods, and protect patient health-care privacy. Other recent QR Code innovations are LogoQ® and LogoQ Face, which allow a full-color logo or photo to be embedded into a QR Code. Applications include enhanced branding opportunities, loyalty-card and badge identification, and promotional items.

DENSO ADC is the Americas sales arm of DENSO Wave Incorporated, a pioneer of CCD technology and inventor of the QR Code. DENSO Wave is among the world's largest manufacturers of mobile data-capture systems. The company offers a wide range of advanced-technology handheld 1-D and 2-D terminals and scanners, as well as the only QR Code-generating software on the market with documented ISO-compliant specifications, to assure codes with maximum readability and the smallest possible size.

QR Code® and SQRC® are registered trademarks of DENSO Wave, Incorporated. LogoQ® is a registered trademark of A.T Communications Co., Ltd.

DENSO ADC: Inventor of the QR Code®

June 20, 2013 11:08 am

DENSO ADC is the Americas sales arm of DENSO Wave Inc, a pioneer of CCD technology and inventor of the QR Code®. DENSO Wave is among the world's largest manufacturers of mobile data-capture systems. The company offers a wide range of advanced-technology handheld 1-D and 2-D terminals and scanners, as well as the only QR Code-generating software on the market with documented ISO-compliant specifications, to assure codes with maximum readability and the smallest possible size. ...

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