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BHT Version Manager

This software enables you to automatically update files on BHT terminals running Windows®. It is especially useful in retail settings and in applications for warehousing and manufacturing.

Set and Forget

With Version Manager installed, your terminals have automatic access to the file server for timely software updates.

Admins Love It

Centralized management via a network makes life easier for system administrators. The software is user-friendly—no high-level skills needed to use it.

The Functions You Need

Count on Version Manager to keep you up-to-date on applications, operating systems, master files, and logs. It also performs regular resets for BHT terminals.

Download Version Manager at QBdirect.

Supported Model Series

TypeSystem program version
BHT-1400B SeriesVer.1.04 or above
BHT-1400Q seiesVer.1.03 or above
BHT-1300 (Windows-OS) SeriesVer.1.08 or above
BHT-1200 Series (1)Ver.1.02 or above

(1) Windows® Embedded Compact7 model only.

**All specifications subject to change without prior notice.



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